I got up early and left the hotel by 7:45. It was going to be a long drive, and I was anxious to get home. Don’t get me wrong; it has been a wonderful trip, but 21 days in a…

Day Twenty: Chicago, Illinois
In talking with people about my trip at Olde Peninsula the night before in Kalamazoo, a guy mentioned that there were several breweries along the route I’d be going on my way to 3 Floyds and Chicago. While most of…

Day Nineteen: Kalamazoo, Michigan
One of the disadvantages of not doing these posts first thing the next morning, is I have even less memory of what the drive was like than I would have. 🙂 I must admit, though, at this point the hours…

Day Eighteen: Cleveland, Ohio
Nothing of interest to report on the drive. I stuck to the interstate, as I had told the proprietor of the B&B I was staying at that I would be there between three and four. Cleveland has a lot of…

Day Seventeen: Syracuse, New York
It would have been hard to top the scenery in New Hampshire, so there aren’t nearly as many pictures today. Besides, I had quite a bit of time in the car, so not so much time for pictures. Yesterday was…

Day Sixteen: Burlington, Vermont
Wow. Just wow. The colors yesterday were absolutely stunning. We took what I expected to be the more scenic route from Portland, Maine to Burlington, Vermont – Hwy 302 through the White Mountain National Forest – and it certainly didn’t…

Day Fifteen: Portland, Maine
The scenery today was even better than the day before! We had a pretty long drive today from St. John to Portland, though it was helped by a time change from Atlantic to Eastern. We had been a bit concerned…

Day Fourteen: St. John, New Brunswick
The drive from Pictou, Nova Scotia to St. John, New Brunswick was the most beautiful to date, with lots of yellow, orange, deep red and even purple leaves. We made a few aborted attempts to get a good view of…

Day Thirteen: Pictou, Nova Scotia
Best laid plans… We were all set to take the ferry from Wood Islands, Prince Edward Island to Pictou, Nova Scotia. Unfortunately, the weather didn’t cooperate and high winds meant the ferry was canceled and we had to go back…

Day Twelve: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
We got a relatively early start yesterday, since it was a fairly long drive that also included a time zone change. The drive across New Brunswick was very picturesque, with several long downhill stretches that afforded a great view of…